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Busy Little Bee

So I seemed to have come across a lot of free time on my hands. At first I went crazy, I felt like I had nothing to do. I would mostly just spend time with my brand new puppy. I should have felt very excited about all this free time. However I had just finished working full time and going to school part time. Transitioning to a lot of free time, from a very hectic schedule was very hard though. I cried a lot. Like... a lot. I am used to being very productive and I wasn't anymore. I didn't feel like myself.

The reason for this new found spare time was because I moved far away and got married. I had no friends, none of my family, nothing to call my own. I had started up crocheting about 2 years ago, and got busy with school and work, so it got the back burner. My husband suggested (after many days of my crying) that I should start up a hobby that I liked. I felt guilty though, to have all this free time, and he had to go to work. He owns two of his own businesses, so I often felt/feel guilty that he is working his tail off and I can't do much right now. So I decided I would pick back up crocheting and knitting.

Let me tell you! It was a success! Christmas was coming up around the corner, so I decided that I would start making everyone gifts. After a while of making things I started to get better and better. I really enjoy making things with my hands, from scratch. It makes me feel accomplished and happy. Here are some of the things that I have made recently. If you want to order something, I'd be glad to make it.

Hooded Scarf

This is my most recent creation. My friend had asked me to make this for her 2 years ago when I was crocheting and knitting. I was more so just learning about how to do the basics and this intimidated me. Now that I am better at what I do, I was happy to make it for her. I was quite impressed with how it turned out.

Lion Hat and Bootie Set for Newborn

I made this set for my brand new nephew. They honestly looked so adorable on him,

I almost died from cuteness.

Monogram Coaster

I made these for my neighbors. I was actually so happy with how well the letter turned out. I want to make some more. I just love how personal it is.

Little Girl Shoes

I made these a while ago for a co-workers new baby. I think this was the first thing I ever made besides a scarf, done by crocheting. I was so excited. I thought they were the cutest thing. I really enjoy crocheting little kids accessories.

I have more pictures I would like to share, but I think I will share just these for now. Until next time. Oh and if you are someone who likes to crochet, I sometimes forget to write down my patterns. I am getting better and am trying to post most of them up as tutorials. Some of the things I make are from a pattern, like the pink shoe. You can find that pattern here. The rest of my stuff I normally don't use other peoples patterns. I look at pictures and then make adjustments to how I want it to look. Thats the great thing about crocheting. Once you figure out the basics, its so easy and versatile to make it your own.

If you are someone who loves crochet items, but don't make them because you are intimidated. Just try it out, you may find it is easier than you think. You just have to break it down. Instead of trying to tackle the whole project, look at it in smaller parts. It makes it a lot easier to motivate yourself to attempt it. You'd be surprised what you can do when you put your mind to it. I used to look at people knitting and couldn't wrap my mind around it. I had no idea how smashing two sticks together could make such amazing things. But I put my mind to it, and I learned. I actually found I was good at it and that I liked it. I bet you can too!

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